Hello to all my friends, I am very excited today is the big day to grow the blog, a party that was organized by my lovely friend Vicky's blog 2 Bags Full, as he had mentioned your event now is the greatest day of visit how many blogs as possible.
the event is World are so welcome my new friends from around the world.!!
the event is World are so welcome my new friends from around the world.!!
I'am 40 year old,I'm Public Accountant by profession, I am in my spare time and make crafts to 2 years I started to crochet, because she felt that creativity was not done with me yet since I think I've improved my technique a bit more, and makes me very happy because I have met so many beautiful and cute girlfriends.
The other things I like knitting is photography and read a lot, I'm addicted books of all Thematic.
The other things I like knitting is photography and read a lot, I'm addicted books of all Thematic.
Now as part of this celebration, I am doing a drawing for a package containing:
- 1 Japanese washi tape
- 1 pack of napkins decoupage
- 50 cards for your business, the winner will choose the style you like most (who beat me tell you that the text you want printed) handmade by Eugene Cards.

- a bear amigurumi handmade by me
- a postcard from my country El Salvador
I will announce the winner on my blog and contact the winner via their email.
to participate you must be a follower of my blog and leave a comment on this post with your email address and blog.
Happy Grow your blog!!!
Hola a todas mis amigas, estoy muy emocionada hoy es el gran dia de
hacer crecer el blog, una fiesta que ha sido organizada por mi bella
amiga Vicky del blog 2 Bags Full, como ya habia mencionado su evento ahora es el gran dia de visitar cuantos blogs sea posible.
el evento es Mundial asi que bienvenidas sean mis nuevas amigas de todo el mundo.
Mi edad 40 años, soy Contador publico de profesion y en mi tiempo libre haga manualidades, hasta hace 2 años que comencè hacer crochet, porque sentia que la creatividad no iba conmigo, sin embargo desde entonces creo que he mejorado mi tecnica un poco mas, y me hace muy feliz porque he conocido tantas hermosas y lindas amigas.
Las cosas que me gustan aparte de tejer es la fotografia y leer mucho, soy adicta libros de toda tematica.
Ahora como parte de esta celebracion voy a realizar un sorteo de un paquete que contiene :
- 1 washi tape japones
- 1 paquete de servilletas decoupage
- 50 tarjetas para tu negocio el ganador eligirà el estilo que mas le guste( quien las gane me dirà que texto quiere impreso) elaboradas por Eugene Cards.
- un oso amigurumi elaborado por mi
- una postal de mi pais El Salvador
El ganador será seleccionado el 15 de febrero de 2014.
Voy a anunciar el ganador en mi blog y me pondrè contacto con el ganador a través de su correo electrónico.
Feliz Fiesta de Crecer tu Blog!!!!